DADA Revue d’ANTHROPOLOGIE POST-GLOBALE, numéros de 2011 à 2019, à télécharger

Antonio PALMISANO is  pleased to announce that the latest issue of DADA Rivista di Antropologia post-globale, (no. 2, December 2019) has been published online:  

Free download of the n. 2, December 2019, published December 25, is available at this link

The next special issue will deal with the following topics:

“Anthropology of food” (the deadline for submitting the contributions is January 31, 2020)
“Anthropology of agriculture” (the deadline for submitting the contributions is June 30, 2020)
“Anthropology of law” (the deadline for submitting the contributions is September 30, 2020)

All researchers and young scholars are welcome.

The Review
Dada. Rivista di Antropologia post-globale is a digital periodical review. The access
is free on
The review intends to focus on the issues of anthropology and contemporary
philosophy in order to face the classical and modern questions in the social, political
and cultural context of our post-global era in which the grands récits are hidden but
all the more present and operating.
Since we are convinced that the meaning of life coincides with intensive
research intended as a joyful experimentation, even in those fields in which any kind
of change and actually any kind of experimentation seem to be out of the question,
and, being more than ever aware that the heritage connected to the grands récits
should be removed from our discourses, the review selected the term Dada to indicate
a position of structural opening toward the choice of research methods and the use of
language in order to avoid the dogmatic of protocols. This long way has already been
undertaken by many scholars such as Paul Feyerabend for instance, and we warmly
invite you to join us and proceed with resolution and irony.
In this context, the contributions can be published in one of the languages of
the European Union, according to the wish of the authors, after reviewing by nativespeaking colleagues. Multilingual reading seems to be spreading in the academic
circles of the Continent and this partially allows avoiding translations in lingua
franca and their inescapable limitations. The authors are free to adopt their own style
concerning footnotes and bibliographical references as far as they remain coherent
with their own criteria.
The review also has the scope to publish the contributions of young scholars
in order to introduce them to the national and international debate on the themes in
The Editor
Antonio L. Palmisano